August 27, 2021 – Fried

I was trying to come up with a word that meant ‘beyond tired’ and after a number of ‘close but no cigar’ words came to mind, I finally settled on ‘fried’. It has to be the word that best describes how my brain and body feel at this moment in time. I love a lotContinue reading “August 27, 2021 – Fried”

July 4, 2021 – Uncertainty

What an unusual week it’s been! Between the historic heatwave in the Northwest, the tragic condo collapse in Miami, the fire in the Gulf of Mexico, and numerous other newsworthy events, I am beginning to wonder if a state of ‘normal’ will ever return. Where we live, I’ve never experienced ongoing hot weather like I’mContinue reading “July 4, 2021 – Uncertainty”

February 7, 2021 – Conditional Love

If you’ve ever had a child, there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to relate to what I am going to discuss today. As a parent, you are supposed to love your children unconditionally. If you don’t, you are a ‘bad person’. You are expected to be ‘superhuman’ and love them through all ofContinue reading “February 7, 2021 – Conditional Love”

January 10, 2021 – Must we toil?

I’ve been processing what it means to qualify as ‘productive’. By that, I mean what it takes to be considered a contributing member of society. In other words, not a ‘bum’. Growing up, I was taught that one must continually keep ‘busy’. And the best way to achieve that was through physical work. Raking, mowing,Continue reading “January 10, 2021 – Must we toil?”

November 14, 2020 – Over the river and through the woods…

The title for today’s blog is from a famous nursery rhyme. And if you’re familiar with it, you’ll probably know the words that follow, ‘to Grandmother’s house we go’. The idea of grandparents is one that many equate with unconditional love, warm and welcoming embraces, homemade cookies and bedtime stories. I equate mine with rejection.Continue reading “November 14, 2020 – Over the river and through the woods…”